External Support Services
If you’re looking for specific advice or specialist support, these organisations may be able to help.
Triple Zero (000)
If life is in danger call 000.
Lifeline 24/7 Crisis Support
13 11 14
Crisis Support For Indigenous Australians
13 92 76
24/7 crisis lines
You can call these crisis lines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Emergency 000
If you or someone you are with is in immediate danger, please call 000
24-hour crisis support telephone service
13 11 14
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders crisis support line. Available 24/7.
13 92 76 (13 YARN)
Kids Helpline
For children and young people ages 5 to 25 and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
1800 551 800 (24/7)
NSW Mental Health Line
1800 011 511
Suicide Call Back Service
24/7 phone, video and online professional counselling to people who are affected by suicide
1300 659 467
Alcohol and other drugs
Alcohol and Other Drugs Information Service (ADIS)
ADIS provides phone counselling, support, referrals and information for people affected by alcohol or other drugs
1800 422 599
Counselling Online
Online text-based counselling for people concerned about their drinking or drug use.
Your Room
A place to get facts about alcohol and other drugs.
Carers and families
Carers Australia
Short-term counselling and emotional and psychological support services for carers and their families.
(02) 6122 9900
Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI)
Young Carers Helpline
Gives young people tips on how to look after themselves and the person they are caring for.
1800 242 636