
Help Lifeline save lives

Community Partnership

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Contact Us

For 24-hour telephone crisis support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. If life is in danger, call 000.
For general enquiries, phone (02) 4228 1311.

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Volunteering can be a valuable and enriching way to spend your spare time. It can be a great way to develop your skills or return to the workforce.

Make a Bequest to Lifeline South Coast

A bequest to Lifeline South Coast will help our local community to receive support and care into the future. Lifeline South Coast relies on community support to continue providing vital services such as 24 hour telephone crisis support, suicide prevention programs and mental health awareness.

Your bequest will make a difference.

Please download a copy of our bequest brochure here

For 24-hour telephone crisis support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14

If life is in danger, call 000

Lifeline South Coast would like to acknowledge the lives that have been lost to suicide. We are committed to supporting those with a lived experience of suicide and aim to reduce the stigma around seeking help for poor mental health and suicidal crisis.