Suicide Awareness Training – Question Persuade Refer (QPR)
Learn three simple steps to support those at risk of suicide.
Want to run this event in-house? Enquire about running this event in-house
No event dates.
Delivery: 3.5 hours via face-to-face classroom or virtually via Zoom
Audience: Anyone, 16 years +
As the leading cause of death amongst Australians between the ages of 15 and 49, suicide has a devastating impact on individuals, families, workplaces, and entire communities. Community awareness, connections, and resilience are critical to suicide prevention, recognising the important role of the wider population in building mentally healthy communities that are well-networked and resourceful.
With over 1/3 people who suicide in the Illawarra and Shoalhaven being employed, workplaces have a responsibility towards – and benefit from – incorporating suicide prevention strategies into their employee health and wellbeing initiatives. With so many hours spent in the workplace and amongst colleagues, staff members are well placed to notice when co-workers are not coping but often lack the required skills and knowledge to support them.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training helps participants to develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence to:
- identify suicide warning signs
- facilitate supportive conversations surrounding suicide
- refer those at risk of suicide towards professional help.
Delivered within a convenient 3-hour time frame, QPR training supports organisations to meet their duty of care requirement in a time-efficient way, and has a cumulative effect – upskilling employees and supporting those at risk of suicide, and building a healthier, happier, and more resilient workplace as a result.